Trigear Family Wiki

Welcome to Trigear's Wiki[]

Trigear Family, A roleplay group made by Saito La Valliere Hiraga(Bigboss). The group was made on the 5th of January. Supposedly, the people in the group needs to be anti "SOPA" and "PIPA". All of the sudden, the Palmtop Tiger  entered the group and out of the blue, it became a Roleplaying group. She(Palmtop Tiger) asked the bigboss(Saito) to be her brother. He gladly accepted her offer.


The first problem that occured in Trigear was a "Fake Hacker".Someone who acknowledge himself as Peacewalker . He suddenly appears into the group and wanted to battle the bigboss (in rp). The only people who got to know him were Saito, Azer, and Kyle. Inorder for Saito to fear him, he told him that he's a hacker, which was a lie. Withoutknowing why, Peacewalker was after Saito. Bigboss believed in his lie, and didn't wanted to lose his account. He thought about it a lot and ended up feeling depressed which cause him to almost deciding to say goodbye to Trigear but somehow changed his mind and decided to face Peacewalker with the help of Azer Strife who volunteered to help him. In the end, the two of them won the battle.
